Steps 2 thru…

Lao Tzu did say that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

At the very least we attribute it to him, because who really knows what someone said so long ago. Did he have a blog archive? 🙂

That said, nobody ever really addresses the 2nd thru 1000th mile steps. What sustains and drives us forward in our endeavors? Action will give you the determination to get up off the couch and make the first step. The excitement of starting isn’t foreign to any of us. If you’ve ever been to the gym, think of January at the gym… People are starting. They set a resolution and are out there making it happen. Does February look the same? Have YOU made it that long?

You made it off the couch. That counts for something. But now is not the time to rest on your laurels (What’s a laurel?) Now is the time to set up a system. Systems save us from ourselves. It takes time for a habit to become ingrained, so your system is what keeps you going when the excuses start.

Free Advertising: Check out this book on Habit Stacking

Changing your life doesn’t have to be a gargantuan effort. It can be a series of small lifestyle changes, that over time, turn into what looks like an epic metamorphosis.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas A. Edison

Preview for next time, here’s a secret weapon that’s been doubling and re-doubling my productivity, and doesn’t get in the way. Any obstacle, at this beginning stage of transformation, could be enough to stifle progress, so we need a tool that works for us…not the other way around.

Your Secret Weapon

Until next time, keep up the action.
